
eddy-riener15020 avatar image
eddy-riener15020 suggested kevin-oechsle commented

All recorded calls to text

I would happily pay extra to have a feature that converts answered call recordings to text. I would also happily agree to a disclaimer that understands that this won't be 100% accurate and there is no liability. I'm managing a sales office and need specific details about each call; I don't want to have to listen to long conversations when I can pick out small details about each message
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kevin-oechsle avatar image
kevin-oechsle commented
I would second this, we get 500 - 600 calls daily and we just don't have the man power to review every recording. It would be nice to use this for PCI/GDPR compliance to make sure that no credit card info is logged into the recordings or something like that. 
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